SKlone Wiki

Ultimate Guide[]

Copied 2019-12-23

The Ultimate Guide


  • This game is under active development, there will be imperfections. You will find some mobile-friendly touches in the UI.
  • The game is set to tick in 30 minute intervals based off of the system clock, this is when resources are updated, war leaders begin their return, etc.
  • The round resets at the beginning of each month.
  • If you desire to land in the same sector as a friend use the group sign ups.
  • Sklone has many Races in addition to Planet types. You can learn more about that here.
  • The In-game menu contains a link to the SKlone Discord channel. Players can take advantage of this to meet friends and enemies. Create a channel with your friends to plot universal domination!
  • Sending aid to another kingdom is disabled at this time.
  • Max buttons are optimized to build in units of 16/24 to maximize growth and for your convenience.
  • When you take the final piece of land from a kingdom your news will inform you that the kingdom was annihilated. You will salvage their land, money, power, population, and probes for your own.


  • If  Pop < 2000 set NewPop = Pop - 100 ELSE SET @NewPopulation = @Population - (@Population * 0.05)
  • Attacker: (units_total) * (1 + mil% + (wls_count - 1) * 0.03 - (0.2 if powerless) + pt_bonus + race_bonus) * ( 1 - defenderShields)
  • Defender: (units_total) * (1 + mil% + pt_bonus + race_bonus - (0.2 if powerless))
  • Income = ROUND((Kingdom.Population * 2 + Starmines.Built * 130) * (1 + (ResearchPercent/100) + (PlanetType.Income-1) + RaceType.Income), 0)
  • Probes per tick = Kingdom.Probes + ProbeFactories.Built * (ProbeFactor.PlanetType) * (0.5 + (RAND() / 2))
  • Kidnappings take away 5% of a target's population
  • Longevity increases population growth by 4x.
  • If your kingdom reaches 0 population or land you will die.


  • The Sector Leader (SL) does not have any in-game bonus at this time as there are no sector states.
  • We would like players to treat their sectors as alliances until the player base reaches an optimal level.
  • Sector leaders can create alliances but we request that they limit it to only their sector. This way sectors that want to fight can declare war and benefit from a 20% offensive bonus.


  • Attackers will lose up to 8% of their offensive units during an attack. There is no option to shield sent units.
  • Defenders will lose up to 5% of their defensive units during an attack.
  • The base return time is 14 ticks. Warp drive research requirements were reduced to make their research more affordable.
  • You can build an unlimited amount of unsupported Tactical Fighters. You still require Air Support Bays to send them out.
  • There is one new unit - High Guard Lancers (5/5), it takes only a single barracks space. There are no fighters.
  • There is no land defense value. You could send 1 unit to grab some land on an undefended kingdom.
  • Units in training do not require a barracks space. It's possible to reduce space temporarily by training soldiers, but they will require barracks after they have returned from the training camps.
  • Units created after you exceed 100% of your barracks space will move into the residence and the population there dies. However the population bonus still effects how many units one residence can house!
  • Disbanded military units are converted back to population. You can not disband units into soldiers. We do plan to correct this later.
  • Missiles bring the old-school wars back to the game. Kingdoms are encouraged to have missile shields up at all times.

Food flow[]

There are a certain number of kingdoms which are free land to grab. These kingdoms are kept in certain land ranges (numbers may differ from round to round). E.g. last round food kingdoms were set between 10% and 2% top1's land, and minimum range was [300-500]. That means that when food kingdoms dip below that range, on the following server tick it resets in land and receives more money!

Hunting for food!

Hunting for food is a superior strategy to exploration which becomes costly as you increase in land. A common strategy to building a kingdom is to search out a smaller kingdom, probe their military/shields, then hit them right before the server ticks. This reduces the amount of time your war leaders are away from the planet. Robbing banks of kingdoms that have not been online for awhile is a common tactic, and the top land leaders will certainly have taken advantage of it. It is a courtesy on the game not to hit a well defended kingdom that is less than 1/3 of your land size, unless they are poorly defended. Doing this is referred to as bashing and veterans often frown upon it.

Note: The server is occasionally slow to tick. It is best to wait 1-2 seconds while your kingdom updates before sending out war leaders. People will attempt to make hits right after the update so be aware that you may attack the previous hour if you are too fast to attack. This becomes an issue when you know a kingdom is coming out of newbie mode the next tick and desire the first hit.

Food kingdoms have very low defense, at the round start they have 50 tanks and 200 soldiers. 80 tanks is enough to break them.


  • Probes formula: basic success ratio is probes_sent/probes_defense.
  • There is no 8 or 16/land probes factor. Probes have been tweaked from the original SK formula.
  • Probes missions require 1 power per probe to shield.
  • Unshielded probes are twice less likely to succeed!
  • Spy missions have a slightly higher success rate.
  • Aggressive missions require 1/3 more probes to be sent for the highest possible success rate.
  • There is a 30-40% chance to get through shielded/unshielded.
  • Probe shields on a defender's side reduce success ratio up to 20%, no matter how many probes are sent against them.
  • Small kingdoms will have at minimum a 20% chance to spy on a kingdom if they send all of their probes.
  • The 1 probe trick will not work here.

Newbie mode[]

  • Newbie mode will last for 96 ticks.
  • There is no option at this time to convert buildings, and razed buildings will not be refunded a percentage of the cost. We will fix this later.
  • Keep in mind that your population will only grow 2.5% per tick. Be careful in creating too many residences early. Forest kingdoms should take this into consideration before creating only residence in newbie mode.
  • Energy Core is only 20,000 points to research once Fusion Technology is complete.


  • Nuclear missiles will destroy .05% of the targets land and 2% of their population.
  • Fusion missiles will destroy 1% of the targets land and 6% of their population.
  • Energy missiles will destroy 2% of the targets land and 10% of their population. We will add destruction of the enemies power reserves soon.
  • Universal domination is imminent... my friend.


  • Farms currently have 30 tanks and 200 soldiers as defense when they are created.
  • They do not have any research or shields.

The Help File[]

Copied 2019-12-23

The Help File

[The Basics][]

You are a kingdom in a sector of 19 other kingdoms, and can create a group for your friends to join your own. The sector is located in a galaxy. Each galaxy contains 9 other sectors. If properly organized each sector will have a leader that names the sector and controls the diplomatics of your sector.

Attack time and other factors depends on where other kingdoms coordinates are on the galaxy map. Every kingdom in your sector could be your ally and you could fight with them against other kingdoms or sectors to expand your size. There are no guarantees that your sector mates will desire this path, but if they do there are tools to create an alliance and invite other sectors to aid your attempt at universal domination.

Your kingdom is made up of money, power, population, land, military units, scientists, and probes. All of these provide a value to your score and when added together you have your networth. The networth is your kingdoms size and strength. If at any point your kingdom runs out of power your shields will be disabled and your military defense and offense will be 20% weaker, you birth rate will be reduced by 90%, and your population limit will be reduced by 20%. If you run out of population or land your kingdom will die, permanently. Be warned that your interactions with other kingdoms can result in unexpected consequences. Although the population may be small at the moment many players are accustomed to conflict. 


For those who want to gain land but don't have the military power or time to search for targets, you can use the explore function. In this room you can command your people to explore new land to build on. However, the people also have other jobs and generally don't have time to explore, so you are limited to exploring only 1/10 of your total land (10%) per day. Exploring is also costly but comes with the added benefit of not making enemies.

Just enter in the desired amount of land and hit Explore. If you need to know when your exploring will be done, or how much land you are exploring per hour go to the Status Room and select Construction Status.





Residence are where your population lives. If there is not enough room in your Barracks for your military, your military will 'kick out' population from their residential homes in order to seek shelter. Population will also give you income through taxes.

Holds 50 civilians or military. 2 platinum per population.


This special tightly packed military facility can support any military unit including tanks. Military will move here first, but if there is no room they move to normal residence. Failing to produce enough barracks can result in death. All units use one space in the barracks with the exception of tanks, which require two.

Holds 75 military units

Air Support Bay

This base was specially designed to support Tactical Fighter's Vesudian Cores. Without this air support bay, tactical fighters are rendered useless.

Holds 40 Tactical Fighters

Nuclear Power Plant

This industrial building can produce 100 units of power. Up to 500 units of power can be stored in this plant. Any excess power is lost.

Produces 100 power Stores up to 500 power

Fusion Power Plant

A new method of harvesting power, the fusion power plant is capable of producing 140 power per hour, and storing up to 1000 units of power.

Produces 140 power Stores up to 1000 power

Star Mine

Another industrial building. This building provides you with resources (Money), there is no limit to the number of star mines you can have.

Produces 130 money

Training Camp

A special building that prepares your army for military service. By default you allways have training camps, but if you wish to build extra you can greatly decrease the cost of training military.

Reduces cost of training. (%ofLAND * 3) Max 30%. So, if you had 250 land and 25 training camps your military would be 30% cheaper. (25/250=10%*3=30%)

Probe Factory

Probe factories manufacture probes which are vital to both the offensive and defensive abilities of your kingdom. The more factories you have the more probes you will produce every day. There is no limit.

(50%-100%) * #ofFACTORIES = probes manufactured per hour.

[Planet Types][]

Planet Type



Research Specials


+20% income

-30% power production

start with laser dragoons

Forest and Wilderness

+30% population

+10% return time


Terra Form

-70% research required

-10% income


Mystical Lands

-20% return time

-10% offensive strength

fusion tech, scouters

Volcanic Inferno

-90% power required, 10x power storage

-10% population

fusion & energy tech

Jagged Lava

-20% unit cost

-20% probes production



+30% defensive strength

+20% research required


Shadow Lands

+50% probe production

-10% power production


Desert Wasteland

+30% offensive strength

-10% population

start with dragoons

Multiple Terrain

+20% offense, defense, & power production

-20% research, probes, population

all military units researched



Race Type




+10% population

+10% return time


+10% income

-10% population


+10% offense, -10% return time

-10% power production


+10% defense, -10% research required

-10% probes production





Population Bonus

By increasing the capacity of the residence building, a kingdom can increase the population above normal.

Maximum 20% Increases Population

Power Bonus

More efficient fuel can be discovered to increase the power output of any given powerplant.

Maximum 50% Increases Power

Military Strength

By discovering new weapons and armour one can make there army more effective. This research will improve both your offensive and defensive military strength.

Maximum 30% Increases Military Strength


Improved government projects can increase revenue. By reducing unemployment and government spending strategies more tax money can go towards construction and military.

Maximum 25% Increases Income

Frequency Decryption

Probes often always use the same low end frequencies to transmit data, regardless of who is using them, as the low end frequencies are the only ones capable of transmitting data at such a long distance. Although we frequently pick up signals over the radio, we are rarely able to decrypt it. Thus is why we have placed scientists on the job to monitor the waves 24/7. When successfully decrypting a transmission we can calculate how many probes were sent, what the probes were assigned to do, and who sent them.

Maximum 25% Gives a chance at knowing a kingdom that successfully probed you.

Warp Drive

Through advanced research, knowledge learned in the energy core project, can be used to increase the speed at which our armies move.

Maximum 15% Requires Energy Core research. Decreases attack time.


Research laser scopes, electronic implants, and offensive programming for military units.

Develop Dragoon Requires 60,000 points.

Laser Dragoons

Research new armor upgrades and defensive programs.

Develop Laser Dragoon Requires 72,000 points.

High Guard Lancers

Research advanced technology to train elite units as Lancers with both offensive and defensive abilities.

Develop High Guard Lancers Requires 200,000 points + Dragoons and Laser Dragoons to be unlocked.

Vesudian Core and AI Technology

Research the ability to harness the power of the Vesudian Core, and the AI technology to control it. Allows the production of air support bay's and tactical fighters.

Develop Vesudian Core and AI Technology. Requires 600,000 points + dragoons laser dragoons, and High Guard Lancers to be unlocked.

Fusion Technology

Learn how to harness the power of fusion in order to build more powerful missiles, and produce power more efficiently. Allows the production of the fusion missile and the fusion power plant.

Develop Fusion Technology Requires 30,000 points.


By sending super high speed probes out before the attacking army, you can predict how long it will take for your army to attack and return.

Develop S.C.O.U.T.E.R. Technology. Requires 15,000 points.

Energy Core

Research the use of an advanced energy based core in machinery's engines and power plants. Increases power production of nuclear and fusion power plants by 20%, allows you to produce the Energy Missiles, and decreases attack time by 10%

Develop Energy Core. Requires 20,000 points and the research of Fusion Technology to be completed.

Probe Armor

Research the use of a armor plating that can be polarized to resist energy weapons. Decreases probe losses by 50%.

Develop Probe Armor. Requires 92,000 points and the research of Fusion Technology to be completed.


Research the health and genetics of your civilians to increase life expectancy and quality of life. Increases birth rate 4X and Residences house 55 civilians instead of 50.

Develop Longevity Technology. Requires 100,000 points and the research of Vesudian Core and AI Technology to be completed.



Unit Type

Offensive Strength

Defensive Strength


















Laser Troopers





Laser Dragoons










Tactical Fighters










High Guard Lancers






[View Sector][]

This area is useful for browsing the galaxy and searching for land targets or allies. Simply enter in the desired galaxy and sector number and hit change.

This will show the sector name (which can only be changed by a Sector Leader), alliance the sector is a part of, sector logo, and a table with every kingdom, their planet type, how much land they have, and their networth in that sector.

Sector logo's are supposed to comply with the game rules, which means don't do anything illegal or obscene that would piss everyone off. If you find a sector logo that is inappropriate contact a game moderator regarding the logo.

The table has the following information about kingdoms:

Kingdom name (sector coords): The kingdom's name along with their position X by Y position in the Sector. If their sector coords are closer to yours you will get quicker return times when attacking.

Planet Type: Planet types all have different advantages and disadvantages.

Land: Land is for buildings. A kingdom cannot grow without land.

Networth: A combination of the kingdom's land, money, military, population, and other values.

Tactical: Contains links to Probe, Attack, Missile, and Message the kingdom.

The table is colour coded to show the kingdoms status. The following is a list of the color codes and what they mean: 

Yellow: This kingdom is the sector leader. This kingdom gets an additional 10% bonus to attacks and defense.

Dark Yellow: This kingdom is the vice sector leader. This kingdom is responsible for helping the Sector Leader with sector organization and can delete posts in the Sector Forums.

Blue: The kingdom is in newbie mode. You will be unable to attack it.

Green: This kingdom is in Vacation Mode. You will be unable to attack it.

Red: This kingdom has been disabled or suspended by the admins. You will be unable to attack it.

Orange: This is your kingdom.

Grey: This kingdom has been destroyed.

@: This user is currently online. But can be offline. Look below

Underneath the table is a total networth value which is the combined networth of all the kingdoms and what state the sector is in.



Manufacturing Probes:

Probes are manufactured by the building called factory. Plain and simple, the more factories you have the more probes you will receive each hour. Probes are free but are also lost easily. They do not require power unless they have shields activated.

Attacking with Probes:

To attack with probes you need a target. Choose the target by browsing the sectors and galaxies. Once a target is found you can start probing their lands. The chance of a successfull probe mission depends on 4 factors:

1. How many probes you have in comparison to how much land you, or your enemy has (whoever has the most land will be what your probes are compared to). 2. How many probes the enemy has in comparison to how much land (s)he currently owns. 3. The amount of probes you send. 4. The amount of Probe Shields the enemy has.

Each kingdom gains the the ability to probe once per hour. If you do not use your probing that hour, it will be accumulated to the next hour, allowing you to probe twice on the next hour. You can only accumulate up to a maximum of 10 probe uses. If you have 10 probe uses, and do not use any that hour, the extra probe use you would have gained the next hour will be lost.

Activate extra energy shields:

You can use any excess power to better protect your probes. With extra protection probes are not lost as easily. Extra shields costs lots of power and if you don't have enough power, it will not be activated.

Each land your kingdom possesses provides 2 probe points worth of defense. If you have no probes it will provide 4.



Choosing a target:

When trying to find a target to attack it is best to go to My Sector and put in random galaxies and sectors. If your kingdom's leader has decided to wage war on only one sector you may want to consider giving help to the cause. Just remember when choosing a target, the more Land the target has, the more you will gain from an attack.

Targets that are attacked by everyone in your kingdom are weaker and easier to defeat, however, due to MA protection, may cause you to get less land than another target who has not been hit. You may want to consider the pro's and con's of attacking a kingdom that's already recently been hit a few times, as it can mean up to 50% less land taken on your attack.

Attack the target:

To attack a target that you have selected you will need to enter in the galaxy number and sector number, then hit change sector. Then you use the option list to select the target. Type in the amount of each military unit you wish to send out, whether or not to enable war shields, the amount of war leaders to send, and click 'Send Out Attack'. This will cause all of the chosen units to attack the desired target and if the attack is successfull you will gain land, money, captured civilians, and power. Sending additional war leaders will grant you a 3% offensive boost, if you were to send all 4 war leaders that would be a 9% gain to your offensive power.


If you want to destroy someones population or land without the risk of sending out your armies you can use missiles. Missiles can only be used in war but are an effective weapon if you use them correctly. You are limited to 1 missile strike for each missile type every 24 hours so make sure you do the maximum damage each interval.



A kingdom can use any extra power they are producing towards powering the defense energy shields. You have the option of powering military shields, missile shields, and/or probe shields.

Probe Shields:

Probes communicate with each other using an encrypted frequency transmission. By flooding space with random transmission blasts we can disorient the enemies probes and cause the failure rate to increase 20%. Maximum Effectiveness: 20%

Military Shields:

By rebounding the enemies offensive battle carriers your kingdom's defenses can decrease the offense value of the enemies forces. Maximum Effectiveness: 10%

Missile Shields:

These shields are specially designed to detonate missiles upon contact, before they make it to your kingdom. At full power, these shields can stop up to 100% of all missiles launched at it. Great if a whole sector is attacking you. Maximum Effectiveness: 100% (except on Server 3: 50%)


[Send Aid][]

If a kingdom is in trouble status you can send them aid of money, power, soldiers, or population. You cannot send aid if the destination kingdom is not in trouble status. Trouble status can be defined as follows:

A meter that lowers every hour until it reaches zero. When you get attacked or probed the meter raises. Once the meter reaches a certain peak it freezes for 12 hours and that kingdom enters trouble status. After the 12 hours, the meter resets to zero.


Once per day, you have the option of receiving free rewards, just as a gift from us to your kingdom for playing the game. The land reward will give you 10 free land, and the money reward will give you 3 hours worth of money income. You are able to use both, once per day. You can use this any time throughout the day, however it will not accumulate to the next day, so don't forget to use it.


[Sector Leader][]

In order for a Sector to work as a unified whole it needs a leader. Kingdoms in the sector decide who is the leader. When one runs for Sector Leader they usually run campaigns in the forums and send direct personal messages. The Sector Leader gets to moderate the sector forums, has the ability to change the Sector Name, and can choose what alliance the sector joins.

Voting for a Sector Leader:

To vote for a Leader select the name of the kingdom you wish to be leader in the pull down menu, then click on change vote. This will add + one to whoever you're voting for. The kingdom with the most votes automatically becomes Sector Leader.



Once your sector has joined an alliance, you will be seeing this page a lot. This page tells you what alliance you are currently in (if any), and then allows you to view a list of all other sectors that are in the same alliance as you. Additional sectors can only be added to the alliance by obtaining the alliance password from the alliance leader.

The next option is to enter the alliance forums. The alliance forums are identical to the sector forums except for the fact that the entire alliance can view the forum. Only the alliance leader and vice alliance leader can delete posts.

Joining an Alliance

This option is only available to Sector Leaders, and will not even be displayed if you are not a sector leader. To join an alliance, you must have the password from the alliance leader. Once the password has been obtained, in the alliance box, type in the name of the alliance (remember this is case sensitive, so if the alliance name has capital letters spread out through it, make sure to put those in, or it will not find the alliance). Put the password in the box below (also case sensitive), and click Join Alliance. If all goes well, and the password was correct, you will have joined the alliance.

Alliances can only have a maximum # of sectors. If you are at maximum capacity others will not be able to join.

Creating your own Alliance

You do not need to be a sector leader to create your own alliance. Your sector must be in the alliance in order to view the alliance forums. To create an alliance, type in the name of the Alliance you wish to make, and a password you wish to use for it and click on create alliance. This will create your alliance.

Modifying your Alliance

If you wish to change your alliance password, remove a sector from the alliance, or delete the alliance, you must enter the Alliance Control Center. To do so, simply type in your alliance name in the box and click on Access Alliance Control Center. This will only work from your account however. It recognizes you based on your login name, so it will not allow you to log in from your friends account. Once in this tool, you will have the option to remove sectors from your alliance, change the password, or delete the alliance all together.

Alliance Relations

If you are the leader of an alliance and your alliance has 5 or more sectors in it then you can set relations with another alliance. These relations may be of peacefull or aggresive intentions.

Relation Type





+20% attack gains +10% military offense

Must be wat war

You can only war one set alliance


25% military defense -10% military offense -30% attack gains

Must be at peace

You can only peace one set alliance


You can't attack, probe, or missile any kingdoms in the alliance you have a NAP with.

Both sides must accept the NAP before it is active.

You can have an unlimited amount of NAP treaties.


-50% attack gains.

Both sides must accept the Ally before it is active.

You have an unlimited amount of allies.